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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra| Are you ready to be in Happy Relationship

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We have our new moon solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th of October 2023

Tagline: Are you ready to balance the positive traits with the sign of Libra.

Our new moon solar eclipse is at 21 degrees and 8 minutes it’s at 10:54am Pacific time 1:54pm Eastern time 6:54pm uk time

Libra is an air sign that is ruled by Venus which means that we are being called to deal with all things that connect into relationship and love. Venus calls in creativity and communicating and this is super highlighted by the degree point. Also as a cardinal sign Libra calls upon the way that we lead, remember though as it is air there is a sense of expansiveness connected into this, that can sometimes be aimless and erratic.

The fabulous skills that concern libra fall into negotiation, compromise, and steps into noting how we are functioning in our relationships. Libra recognises that those that we connect with are mates and not sparring partners. Libra asks you to work and move forward collaboratively.

The ultimate aim of Libra is to bring in peace and harmony. You’re being called to create harmonious life and relationship through balance in life. Let’s be honest this task can be a tough skill to master, you’re being asked to balance that which may be polar opposite, this calls for surrender and the call to recognising that through balance comes equilibrium which libra strives for.

Any new moon brings in new vibration, in the sign of Libra this asks us to heal and cleanse our personal relationships in a balanced way. Libra asks us not to be angry, argumentative or confrontational and step into the positive aspect of the negotiator and mediator that is not in the mood to upset anyone.

Due to there being opposition of Chiron in this chart, wounding on the level of what you want to bring in is flaring up, what are you ready to heal, what intention can you bring in with Libra sun. This asks you to look at this on the level of your relationships and how this plays out for you. Highlighted areas include wounds of the ego, heart and your self-expression. With Sun opposing Chiron at 17 degrees you’re being asked to check on impulsivity and the way that you react to things. You’re being asked to activate the warrior energy of Chiron the wounded healer.

With Mercury in Libra there is support in the endeavour of communicating your wants and desires in relationship. Mercury the communication planet supports this with the silver tongue of the diplomatic Libra. Chiron opposing merc asks you to heal how you communicate boundaries, wants and needs in your connection with others.

Mars in scorpio trine saturn brings in intensity, know that mars is happy here, it also wants you to dive into your feelings. This energy asks you to dive into really knowing others, it wants this on all levels, while asking us to pace ourselves and not be in a rush. Then with Mars squaring Pluto energy might be a heightened, so do watch out for the potential of an explosion of some type! And watch out for Venus opposing Saturn, which is a good thing, however the opposition will be demanding that you step into responsibility and being authentic

North node 25 degrees aries asks you to do things differently and asks you to connect into how you want to do relationship. Change it up, be honest and reframe your expectations. There is also the element of transformation highlighted in relationship here and bringing things together in a spiritual way. This evokes the energy of the angels.

Venus 5 degrees of Virgo will help you to know who is right and wrong for you. Helps you to have strong boundaries and know who is good for you and who is not. As an earth sign virgo is asking you to ground and connect in.

This new moon really steps into the way that someone shares something with you that inextricable link. Libra asks to connect into this and it’s being supported well in this chart.

Jupiter at 13 Taurus brings in the energy of luck, it says that you can have it all. Then we have Uranus bringing in the unexpected and surprising you, at the level of 22 this is something for the future. For some of you, you might meet someone new during this period, which means that you need to keep your eyes peeled.

The new moon is square Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto tends to bring in the energy of change with Capricorn it highlights where we are going and what do we want to create. Remember we are in the wrapping up stage of this energy as Capricorn will be bowing out in Jan 2024 when Aquarius sweeps in for 8 months. Then in December it’s Aquarius all the way. New energy and vibration will be the way.

Our Neptune Pluto sextile calls us to balance compassion wit passion. You’re being asked to rechognise the nature of being a human being is that we are here to support assist and nurture one another. Often the human family does forget this. Under Libra sun you are fully being reminded that relationship is your core bridge to a harmonious life.

Oracle Cards ~ Magical Mermaids & Dolphins ~ Doreen Virtue

For me this eclipse asks you to focus on relationship and then work if necessary, just remember that this Libra new moon wants you to get relationships squared before you look at anything else. I want to say that you can get confident on the level of this chart and that you can make the changes necessary without too much struggle, you will feel able.

An eclipse is where the moon blocks out the sun there is a more of a punch, you are going to feel compelled to get relationship issues sorted out and to be on a more even keel.

New Moon Intention Questions

What would I like to bring in for this phase of 2023

How do I want my relationships to look

What can I create within me to nurture relationship


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