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Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ It's time to drop fear!

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Sagittarius Full Moon 23rd May

Our Tagline for this Full Moon: Face fear head on, shift your perspective and create a new vibration.

We have our full moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd of May at 9.53am Eastern Time and 6.53am Pacific and at 2.53pm uk time, it is at 2 degrees and 55 minutes. So here we can say 3 degrees as it is so close.

The full moon in sagittarius is opposing the sun in gemini at the same degree point. This is the axis of communication and learning, this is looking at your own depth of understanding about the world at large. With these two signs at the helm there will be a sense of busy ness and excitement.

Sagittarius wants you to find the truth and bring in your own wisdom and above all think into the bigger picture. This is expansion in its highest octave asking us to look at the way we are in the world.

In some senses this full moon (and all full moons for that matter) will highlight a shadow that you have yet to heal. Sagittarius full moon will illuminate something held within sagittarius themes, which will likely be decisions that you are making from fear and anywhere you are clinging to the familiar.

Sagittarius wants you to tune into the new, to explore, be brave and gain new experiences and wisdom. Can you move forward in an unfamiliar direction and step out of what is comfortable for you. This moon wants you to look at all you believe to be true and then take the unfamiliar path.

Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is sitting right next to venus in the final degree of Taurus. What more can I say this is our planet of expansion that wants to elevate us to new heights. Success and creation are highlighted here, Think heart expansion, think love yourself and let love in. This opens you to a space of something lovely coming into your life.

Jupiter and Venus are also sextiling Neptune at 29 degrees of pisces and this is a softening energy that will help you to step up something that is spiritual and divine for you. You're asked what you can create from this energy of Jupiter, Venus, Neptune. Personally you are called to step up and be who you want to be in this world in the loving sense. There is happiness and a sense of freedom in this, that wants to help you move further on what you have been working on. There is also a level of magic highlighted here.

In this chart we have pluto sextiling the sun and the moon, this energy will help you to heal the past. Think of this as placing everything in the context of the whole of your life. Pluto can help you to heal the parts of your that are preventing you from stepping into your purpose. Let this energy help you to think of what stops you being your true self, silences your voice, or taking up the space you deserve. Listen to the answers and take action accordingly.

I want to say that you are accessing new information that will help you elevate your life. Remember that this is energising. Pluto moves slowly, which means that it will help you shift with the benefit of time and space. There is a depth to this, where you get an aha moment that helps you to shift your own perspective and bridge old limitations and beliefs. With Plutos support you will step into the new.

The Moon
Break down anything that pulls you towards fear!

There is an energy of mastering something that you have learnt over the last 4 years. Take a moment to reflect on what you have learnt during this period. It's been coming up in readings a lot too, we are in an energy that asks us to close a chapter, get ready for the unfamiliar aspects of life to start showing up.

Mercury and Uranus in Taurus are activating the taurus areas of your chart. When Merc moves forward and sextiles sarturn there will be the recognition that you have been looking for. I want to say that this will lead to expansion that will further your life.

Mars in is conjunction to the nn and this is asking you to be in real understanding of where you are going. It asks you to pay attention.

Sagittarius moon wants to bring in happiness and joy consciousness, it wants to lean in to the feeling of justice. What is just what is fair?

Do watch out for the lower energies of the Gemini sun during this full moon. We're talking over analysing or thinking. If this flares up talk to a good friend, connect with your body to take you out of your head, yoga will help here.

Dive into feeling your emotions, it may feel uncomfortable, however this will help you to ground and centre. Make the time to write your thoughts down and get the feelings out of your head.

Let the high energies of Sagittarius embrace you and lift you up. This is optimism, trusting that whatever the twist or turn it is going to take you somewhere brighter. Note here though that when Sagittarius is in its lower energies it might bring in fear, prevent you to move forward and lock you in a spiral of never ending doubt.

In either of these states the best way forward is to do something, anything, especially something new, challenging or not, this will elevate you and assist you to pivot out of stuck points.

Yoga pose
Dive into relaxing Yoga

Our Tarot Cards for this moon ~ Original Rider Waite Tarot conceived of by AE White and designed by Pamela Coleman-Smith

8 of cups

Page of cups

Moon Phases

You're asked with love during this full moon to remember that the Universe has your back. Find a way to make a change that is new and vibrant. Shift your mindset where are you afraid to go, what about the unknown terrifies you? Once you have this knowledge it's time to stretch your comfort zone, do something that scares you. Be careful not to let any fears that may come up drag you back down.

This moon may affect people born with personal planets and points at 0 to 8 degrees of the Mutable signs and at 29 to 30 degrees of the Fixed signs most significantly. You may also be affected if your sun, moon or ascendant are in Sagittarius.

Full Moon Release

This is the moon that calls you to open new doors in your life.

Shift anything that does not serve you anymore, belief, limitation

Do one thing that scares you ~ so long as it does not put you in danger or is unsafe in the sense of risk to your health or others.

With Love Hem and the Angels xxxxXX


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