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New Moon In Sagittarius | Time For A New Start, Are You Ready?

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New moon in Sagittarius 23rd of November 2022

Tagline: It is time to be confident about the future on the wings of the strong centaur.

I am happy to say that we’ve got our new moon this month in the lovely Sagittarius. The new moon is in Sagittarius at 1 degree and 38 minutes of Sagittarius. This moon will affect people born with personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 6 degrees of the Mutable signs and 28 to 30 degrees of the Fixed signs most significantly. You can grab your chart and work this out if you’re interested by grabbing a free chart online.

This new moon heralds a new beginning a new start, it also highlights independence on a high level. Yep, this is what we’ve all been waiting for, this is the first clear time for us to look at ourselves, and understand how we’ve been affected by the past and fully recalibrate. More beginning energy is highlighted in the next five months. There is a lot of new heralding in March.

This is a great new moon, it’s time to feel happy confident and ready. It’s a new beginning as we’ve just closed eclipse season, although remember the eclipse will be felt for up to 6 months. What’s not to like the fun, joy, optimism, honesty, individualism adventurous streak of Sagittarius is taking up the whole stage?

Sagittarius is the big thinker, which can be a good and bad thing. As in yes, we can have the big and wild dreams, however throw a dash of realism in so as not to disappointed by high expectations. In truth I’d say just go for it! I love the idea of making it all work under this lovely new moon. Let the energy of the archer help you to transcend the day to day and begin the gentle move into your dreams, your vision and what you want the future to look like.

As the moon, mercury and venus move direct they’ll come into opposition with Mars and this is going to create some frustration around the details – think Gemini energy information and whether or not it’s really true for you or not. You’re being called to the new, yet Mars might come in and muddy the waters. Let’s look at this, we can use whatever is offered to us in a deeper way –look at this as positive, so you have a plan and Mars is like nope that won’t work. Then step into resolve, get savvy – rather than throw your hands up in the air, slow the process down a bit and be aware of misinformation. Also in the energy of Sagittarius we’re presented with changeability, therefore rather than having a fixed idea be willing to be bendable and malleable and trust that it will work out whatever way you are called to play it.

The fun part is that we are moving out of the fixed energy that I mentioned in our last report and during this new moon there are 7 planets in mutable signs. This changes the energy and creates the movement that we may need. This is showing us that our lives are mutable, that if we make the right choices, we will have the right answers, right vision. Sagittarius asks us to create our future from our strength as a collective and together based humanity. Be careful not to submit to scattered energy here. A real deep inner reliance is needed to ensure that the opportunity can be used in a real way without letting Neptune in pisces create a mirage.

Jupiter is stationing direct in pisces at 28 degrees on the day of the new moon. It is highlighting independence, expanding where we are going, new connection, faith. This brings in the idea of trusting what we can’t prove or see because we feel it and know it and we can see more than we could in the past. Remember as Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, pisces in this planet is very relevant. Let this energy bring you protection and a sense of peace. Currently I feel that we are all at a turning point spiritually, we’re beginning to see our own life lessons and how they apply to us and maybe there is a gentle turning point through Jupiter because you know now, you know now what you have been learning.

If we allow it the energy of Sagittarius can take us further than we’ve been before, it can move us into a space that is enlivening and this is being assisted by the energy of Venus and Mercury that are sitting right next door and can help us with what and where we want to be next. There will be understanding and themes that help with clarity. With Venus and Mercury trine Chiron in Aries I want to point out that there will be some sense of understanding of what you’ve been healing independently.

With Saturn direct in Aquarius at 19 degrees we will hit our decider on what can work for us. When we meet Saturn it will show us if what we have been planning works for our future, or it will show us why it does not work, so be prepared to drop things if necessary.

Back in the past there may have been an energy that things have not been working as you would have liked them to. However the angels are saying that void space where you may have felt that you were in darkness was because you did not have the clarity development for the next step.

We’re looking for a bigger brighter better future. Get clear on where you want to go next year as we are moving towards the end of the year and the energy is asking us to get planning. Who do you want to do? This is about moving into the steps. It’s time for you to be able to live in the energy of who you want to be.

If you’re interested I am offering a free training on facebook before the end of the year where we’ll be discussing all things purpose focus, direction. Go to my facebook page and follow me for access, or bookmark the page so you don’t miss out, you don’t need facebook to view it. This is a time stamped live so it will only be available till the end of the year.

Also we’re about to move into the new wave and I’m going to be bringing out immersive training to help you to step into the new frequency with energy work in alignment with our chakras and stepping into the 12/13 chakra system, this training will help you to move into the light so that you can create a change. The focus of attention needs to be raising frequency and the Mars/Neptune Square might make this tricky, stepping into the free training with me will help you to master your emotions so that you can bring in joy. To sign up go to (there will be replays available if you can’t attend in person).

Master Not being attached to your life quest right now and trust …

Intention Setting Questions

Who do you want to be?

What do you want to do?

What dream have you been ignoring?

If you were in a perfect world, how could you make it happen?

What teeny tiny step can you take to start the ball rolling?


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Location: UK  (Essex)

Hem  BA (Hons), PGCE, Reiki Master, Diploma LC

(Life Coach)

Qualified Yoga Teacher  - trained in the Himalayan Yoga Tradition

(Rishikesh India)

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DISCLAIMER: All reading consultations  are  for entertainment purposes only. Readings do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By requesting a reading, you understand that Hem does not diagnose illness or anything that could be pertained as medical.  Please consult a medical professional in this instance.

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