New Moon in Aquarius| It's time to step into a new Way!
Listen or read, your choice (note video will be available on Saturday the 25th of January ~ on you tube, or here)
Aquarius New Moon ~ 29th of January 2025-01-21
At 7.36 am eastern and 12.36pm 30th uk, it’s occurring at 9 degrees and 51 minutes so we say 10 degrees. This is also the day of the Chinese new year, welcome in the wood snake.
TAGLINE: You’re called to begin the innovative experiment with new idea, step out of rigid thinking and connect in new ways and think about how you want to support the collective and be part of something.
Are you ready to be part of the mix, There’s something innovative about this your forward progress with aquarius at the helm. Aquarius is an unconventional sign, it allows you to reach for that which is different and give you the stones to venture out of your comfort zone. Feel new vision and potential and what will bring you into your authenticity.
With Pluto and Mercury in Aquarius, Pluto will give us the energy that we need to let things that stand in the way of our dreams ebb away, so that we can go for the opportunities that are being presented to us. Mercury will assist by allowing us to think and use our mind in a clear way to think of different ways to do something and use the skills that we already have at our disposal.
Do watch out though as Mars it still retrograde and this could be triggering emotions. It kicked up a bit of a punch during the full moon, make time to go inwards meditate and seek solace to ensure that it does not occur again. Although Uranus and Venus may support you to ensure that this doesn’t matter with the trine and sextile. Mars rx in cancer is also showing us what did not work before be careful of the anger re: this. There is a sense that your soul has grown out of the stuff that is not serving you, let it go and let the high Aquarius energy help you to think in a whole new way.
I also want to say be careful not to fall on the side of Aquarius negative traits, such as rebellion, impulsivity, disruption and negative future outlook.
New Moon and Mercury are trine Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter can really assist you now to go for your dreams and really start to move the needle. Go places, you may never think you would go and begin to dream in ways that the old you which is highlighted as slipping away now, could not have actualized. There will be new information and you will be almost re-writing something that you thought was set. Be careful not to rush, my dears.
The trick is planning, you will only get to that change space by having a plan. You need to do the work, check the details and ensure that where you are going and what you are doing creates a harmony and not a cacophony!

With it’s ruling planets Uranus and Saturn will be making a pull her, Uranus is in Taurus – which might cause you to get distracted because Taurus does not want to be rushed and Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter might be reigning in the energy and asking you to check what you’re doing. Remember Saturn is father time himself, and it will not be happy if you just go do it! It might be wise to plan and tip toe during this new moon to ensure you do not wake the sleeping dogs as you march forward towards brave changes. Give Uranus time and it will give you something fast moving change wise and that’s when you will be able to go.
We have Saturn,Venus, Neptune and the north node in pisces. Neptune conjunct the North Node ~we see a strong line up at the end of this wheel. It's time to clear karma. Neptune in it’s ruling sign will be bringing new higher love, closure and your understanding, how to let it go. Many things will be letting go right now. Things will just fall away, maybe these will be spaces where we had no boundaries (think emotions) and this is removing the mirage. NN says that we’re ready to move onwards. There’s a sense of transparency here, finding it all out.
Think of where you want to go build the dream, reflect, create, and embrace new ideas. It’s not a time to get too involved, more of a time to stay outside of what you are doing and assess everything with clarity and an objective perspective. Aquarius calls you to think about the way you want to work with others, it calls to the humanitarian in you and says how can you create loving impact in the world. Remember that Aquarius is a team player, you are not alone.
There are very positive aspects in this chart and the only really tricky space is Saturn watering down Jupiter a tad.

Tarot ~ Queen of Swords & Page of cups
Wants you to remove anything that keeps your thoughts stuck in the past. As with Aquarius, she is asking you to note what your heart wants. You are asked to use the sword to remove anything that does not fit in with the life that you are leading.
Then the page comes in with a youtful energy and says to you that you can start from a new space, you an create relationships that are loving kind and filled with the energy of a fresh vibration.
As you go on there will be more information brought through to you. Let yourself be open to receive. There is a sense of excitability highlighted here. Aquarius is awakening you to new possibilities, in fact it will be something you may not have known before. You have got to think action as you move higher in your consciousness. Neptune is due to enter Aries and this means that there will be movement on the earth too. We are slowly moving to new 2025 through to 2026. You are fundamentally part of this and you are necessary as an individual spark in this. The movement is happening for the next stage, we are being moved to use our intuition in a high way. Think balance, think masculine feminine balance and driving into the understanding of feminine.
People with points and planets at 6 degrees to 14 degrees in the fixed signs may be affected significantly by this moon. You may also be affected if you have sun, moon or ascendant in Aquarius.
Intentions Allow yourself to dream and weave during this new moon think about what you want, let yourself be open to new ideas and embrace the diversification that Aquarius new moon wants to give to you.
