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Full Moon in Cancer January 2023 Report

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January 2023 Full Moon in Cancer

Tagline for our Cancer Full Moon: Sigh, as you allow the gentle energy of cancer to reparent you and let love in …

So here we are in the new year folks. 2023.

Just to let you know the 2023 angel report is due out in the next few weeks, in the report the angels will be highlighting what is happening for us this year and how this fits in with the shift in cycle that is part of the ten year plan.

Our full moon is at 16 degrees and 21 minutes on the 6th of January.

January calls us to activate a new beginning, it is the month of the year that asks us to take stock and remove anything that will stand in the way of a new start. We are literally being called to heal our wounds and to step into the healer mode. On a personal note I have had 5 tough years. Astrologically this was highlighted for some of the signs during 2017 and if this was you too, there will be a loosening of the tightened aspect that you may have been feeling over that period.

Astrologically as I said in last months reports we really go into the new year in March – there will be changes happening this month that create a new frequency and beginning of a different resonance – as in how you are going to feel as we go forward.

With our full moon in cancer we are looking at the ideas around our emotions, cancer is a water sign and it is held in the energy of that sideways movement which in this chart is asking us to go over a life area that we are attempting to consolidate. The moon is illuminating the areas where we are over sensitive and where we have been confused. Cancer is a loving sign that wants to hug you and bring safety into your life.

With planets due to move out of retrograde we’re going to be going into a softer energy and the sign of the crab is asking us to be the mother to ourselves ( as in parent ourself) in preparation for this. It can also bring up the way that we can over mother others, or be too dependant – as with most of the water signs there is a deep emotionality present that can pull us back from accepting the surrender that is required during this full moon. Due to this I would watch out for boundaries and ensure that you’re not giving more than necessary.

With the sun still in Capricorn there is a levelling of the land and we are being called to let the sensitivity of cancer and the groundedness of Capricorn assist us. Rather than allowing it to feel harsh which it might do, if we let it. Think about the things that trigger you here as this full moon may well bring these feelings to the surface.

This moon is opposite mercury which is currently retrograde and conjunct the sun and is asking us to move slowly, therefore my advice would always be hold back a little with plans and actions and allow yourself the time to think about what you want and need in the future. Tackle anything that holds you back in the way that you see yourself and allow yourself to nurture these aspects of yourself using the emotional aspect of the crab. In clear terms we are being called here to work with our emotions and understand what we are feeling. Basically what are you going to take care of?

With the moon and the sun square Chiron stationed direct the areas in your life where you lack confidence are being highlighted. Chiron is in aries and this will enable you to gather strength in the area in question. It is moving slowly, which will give you the time to heal. You’re being asked to heal your wounded areas, or you have already worked on this and you are healing this. In fact I get the sense you have been healing this over the last few years. You are just closing this and Cappy sun is helping you to do that. There is no need to manage this, to my mind this is happening naturally , meaning that what does not work and has been a matter of pain for you is being released or understood and accepted.

I want you to know that this is just a space and you are going to be ready to let go of what you need to let go of. Neptune will or may remind us of what is important during this time. Neptune is the dissolving of what needs to go and this can be done in it’s own time line and its own way.

I am seeing a link to the sacral chakra here, we’re being called to heal and work on the areas that this chakra symbolises. Relationship, connection, how we feel in these connections, how we respond to others and how we can improve this response.

Full moon is the illuminator of what you really need to do, this is the axis of family/relationship and you may be understanding something about yourself. Where do you want to focus your energy – Be your own adult. The beginning of the year may bring confusion and you’re being asked to step into a depth of self care so that you can restore.

As the sign of cancer links into the energy of the feminine in the emotional landscape we are also looking at healing body areas and collective conditioning linked to the womb, to birth, to the mother concept. This is individually as well as on a global level.

Due to the energetic frequency of Mercury and Mars which are still retrograde – we’re being called to reassess, reaffirm, recalibrate and take time to really know what next on a deeper level. Again a call for you to be the mother to you, not to lean on others to bring this in for you, yet to find it within by using the sensitivity of the crab and the strength of the Capricorn sun to be the kind loving energy that helps you to realign. Essentially you could say that these two signs create the frequency of the parents.

Mars still rx and is moving so slowly – There is a restlessness because mars went to move however in retrograde it has to move slowly. We're being asked to be more mindful – I get the energy that the thoughts the feelings that you are choosing are going round and round because you need to understand this on a deep level. Gemini is an in the moment star sign it wants to know what is going on now, however with this energy in the rx you are being given the understanding that there is a way for you to get where you need to go in a more mindful way. It is highlighting transformative energy. Linked to facts, information, conversations, mind stuff.

As ever when we have a full moon we are being called to balance the aspect of the two opposing signs where the sun and moon is. Plus with these two signs we’re looking at our public and private life. Also it is wise to remember that as Capricorn is in Mercury we are being called to re-evaluate our public persona, while we tend to the wounding aspects of our inner emotions of the full moon in the crab.

We have some lovely icing on the cake during this full moon with a sextile between Uranus in Taurus and the moon – think something unexpected to do with the home and comfort.

This year is going to be rather exciting because we have a lot of changes in store. As I have mentioned before there will be a change with Pluto moving into Aquarius in March (note this is not fully moved out till 2024 though) and Saturn will move into pisces, also the lunar nodes axis will change later in the year and bring in the energy of libra and aries. Mars moves out of Gemini in March too. There is going to be a lot of change this is going to be across the board.

Did you know . . . We do not need to be tied to astrology and that applies to our own personal charts as well as the country and world charts. This is due to the fact that we have not done the work to release the karma and dharma that is inherent in our charts and this links to ancestral coding, genetic and generational patterning and other factors. However the bottom line here is that we can shift this patterning when we work on ourselves.

I want to also point out that we are in the energy of 7 which is about spiritual something there is the mystical about it and as we are moving into the 1 degree energy that is coming through with the new moons this new beginning touches the magic and that which is scientific.

The bottom line here is who we really want to be in this year?

2023 is a clear year of endings and new beginnings and to my mind with the series of 1 degrees coming up we are moving out of the ending energy and into the beginning energy. We are literally moving forward in human consciousness, this is the time, this is the start of the movement to create a new world and a new way of seeing things..

This is a slow month, nothing can be rushed, it’s take your time, take stock and water can help you here, so take baths, swim and use the energy of the water sign while you master the earthiness and groundedness of Capricorn by walking in the woods, or interacting with nature.

Our release questions for the month

Let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that limit you…

If there is resistance to this, what do you need to do to make it happen, how can you release feelings and thoughts so that you feel more secure?

What can you release that will help you to have stronger, happier relationships?

Affirmation: I am ready to move forward on the wings of trust and faith


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