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New Moon in Virgo 2023 | You can make it happen

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New moon in Virgo 14th/15th of September 2023

Tagline: Buckle up because you need to plan for a new beginning.

Our New Moon in Virgo is at 21 degrees and 58 minutes, so nearly 22 degrees which steps us into the creative element of the master builder. Imbued with the energy of creativity our new moon is Virgo is presenting on the level of unseen newness. This New Moon is harmonising with Uranus and is opposition with Neptune.

Lovely Virgo ruled by Mercury is concerned with the way that we do our day to day actions. A grounded conscientious mutable earth sign, that wants you to get analytical and develop Virgo positive traits. It’s asking us to adapt, be organised and be clear.

As our New Moon is concerned with new intentions I see this as a sign to clear up house before the fall and the autumnal energy begins to permeate. If you live in a different hemisphere you are still being called to cleanse and clear in preparation for new revelations.

Get ready for these new revelations, a new moon is a time to expand. What new project can you start? Let the constructive Virgo energy help you to plan, plan and plan again!

Watch out for the sun moon opposition in Neptune at 26 degrees clouding your thoughts, ideas, judgements! It wants to know the truth, however in opposition it is saying don’t rely on Virgo’s analytical realism. Step into your intuition, your higher knowledge – step into the new unification energy. It will link in some respect on the global level to truth and health.

Also be advised you are not in possession of all the facts. There are new ideas, thoughts, visions being activated underneath the uncertainty. Let the clouds pass and the energy shift so that you can get the full picture before you remove anything. What can you transform.

Essentially we’re being called to effectively manage a balancing act with sun/moon trine Uranus the great disruptor at 22 degrees in Taurus Rx. This is positive energy as it is trine, which means it will assist us. Think of it as the planet that kicks the bucket out from under your feet lovingly and says, ‘what are you going to do now?’ Surprises, excitement, newness, it wants it all. Let’s shake up what was, it says, ‘make it happen!’ it yells. Riding on the energy of the master builder it wants you to step forward into a new you. It will help you with new perception and perspective, ‘can you be your sovereign self?’ It’s goading you with love and asking you as it presents the image of the fool card in the tarot. New beginnings are expected.

Tarot ~ 2 of wands and, three of pentacles.

Be wise remember that there has been a lack of clarity during the Mercury Rx, as Virgo’s ruler there is an added call here to plan rather than step into action. Be wise, and be pragmatic. Remember with many of the planets being Rx we’re being asked to hold, stabilise, balance, go inwards, be clear ( as Virgo would want) before any steps are taken.

Venus went direct on the third of September it is at 14 degrees in Leo ~ which means you can gently start looking at anything relationship related. It is holding the energy of change, independence and building a new foundation. Chiron in Aries is trine Venus which means that it will assist with any healing that needs to be done. It tunes into the divine, relationship and how material and financial needs are maintained within relationship.

I want to say remember as we move through the new moons and the full moons over the year and years that we are building up a picture. We’re being offered opportunity. September is a slower month than August was and this favours internal sufficiency and connecting into your sovereign self.

Virgo New Moon wants you to declutter yourself, your life, your thoughts, your deeds and heal anything that has been holding you back. There is no point having a plan if the clutter around it detracts you from it. It says keep doing the healing work, keep clearing what holds you aloft from wonder and joy.

Saturn at 2 degrees is in opposition with mercury at 8 degrees. Be aware this creates a challenging aspect. Saturn subdues Mercs energy and as it is the ruler of Virgo this also subdues the aspects of stepping into your new vibration, as Saturn is linked to the old order. This chart asks you to be efficient in your understanding of your next phase.

I do want to mention the very loose Earth Grand Trine. We’ve got Uranus at 22 degrees in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Sun/Moon Virgo as nearly 22 degrees. This brings in the master builder energy, creativity, what can we build and create for our new future, remember these are thoughts as well as tangible physical things. This is supported by a double foundation and concerns itself with the material aspect and abundance and asks to be collaborative while also being independent – the balance is highlighted.

You may be affected by this chart if you have sun/moon/ascendant Virgo, some earth signs may be affected and it may affect people with personal planets at approximately 18/19 degrees to 27/28 degrees of Virgo.

Virgo Intention Setting Questions

What do I need to understand right now?

What one thing, situation, action will bring me more clarity?

How can I achieve this thing, situation, action? (Make a plan)


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Location: UK  (Essex)

Hem  BA (Hons), PGCE, Reiki Master, Diploma LC

(Life Coach)

Qualified Yoga Teacher  - trained in the Himalayan Yoga Tradition

(Rishikesh India)



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