The Full Moon in Virgo March 2023 Report | A Practical Intuitive Roadmap
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Full Moon in Virgo Tagline: From a practical space you can jump into spiritual understanding that highlights your green light to go.
We have our full moon in virgo on the 7th of March 2023 at 16 degrees and 40 minutes.
This is the 6th moon in a row of full moons at 16 degrees – I see this number as the number of getting into out spiritual truths and it asks us all to make the correct choices.
March is a firecracker of the month for the frequencies and the shifts that are inherent… Saturn moves into Pisces on the 8th of march and will stay in this sign for 2- 3 years the biggest move in march is nigh and then Pluto will begin it’s move into Aquarius and I have been intimating that this is coming. We also hit the astrological new year on the 20th of March and the angels will be bringing out an astrological message for this too, so watch out for it. We are in a big time of endings and this chart shows this at Saturn 29 59 of aquarius - Pluto Capricorn is also in a movement space– really highlighting endings and beginnings as it flip flops between aquarius and Capricorn till the end of 2024 December. End of month mars goes into cancer…
With the virgo-pisces axis in play we’re being called to balance day to day routines, health and order in the virgo camp and vision, spiritual health in pisces.Virgo rules the physical, the way that we manage our day to day life on a very 3rd dimensional level, while pisces taps into a higher dimension asking us to heal and work on our spiritual self.
Intuitive hits and open messages will filter in under the watchful virgo moon and pisces sun. An energy is opening and asking us to look at all the areas in our life and work out how we are going to make it all work better.
Virgo wants to help you it wants to bring you the opportunities you deserve and balanced with the pisces sun there is a spiritual and mystical offering in the new information and possibilities. Pisces will move us into a new world of healing and the angels have told me that there is true evolution being highlighted here.
Theme of Virgo is about cleaning up with this particular moon we are being asked to totally cleanse everything that needs to go, is it old stuff, where you are living, is it what you are wearing the old you is about to be purged and you are going to be called to be the you that you truly are – Virgo that needs it all too look right, so that you can move forward. Do not let the past that is sitting on your shoulders get in the way of this.
There is also strong aries energy in this chart too - remember that aries is a go go go planet and with Jupiter in aries there will be some information that you need a gift and understanding, it will show you how you can do it. Sitting right next to the wounded healer Chiron Jupiter will help you to create a new foundation with regard to something that you have been healing for some time. There is change highlighted here and if you are reticent to the move the planets will pull you.
In this energy you might want to say it all and share it all, my only words of caution would be to it would be wise to be sure that you are saying what you need to say with love.
Remember this is the crazy month there is a lot of change – we’ve got the equinox coming up too – there is something that will help us begin the new journey for the new wave – our angel message for the year has come out too check out what the angelic ones want us to know as there are lots of changes highlighted in the next few months, well years really.
Virgo is a grounded earth sign very connected to Gaia’s wisdom. This is tapping us into self care on the herbal level. I am seeing you using herbs, healthier ways to cook your food and really allowing the magic of the earth to offer you it’s wisdom.
Then with the sun we have the bottom line here, the bottom of the sea calling us, we are being called to see all the things that are lurking out of our energy field, we are being to be asked to see the truth that is below the surface. We are being called with the energy of pisces sun to tap into the mythical mystical sea breeze energy of the spiritual realm, the earthiness of virgo will hold us while pisces opens us up to awakening to the truth time line that is being offered to us all.
The moon is square mars in Gemini which could cause a little frustration although I feel if you have done your spiritual work then the offer of clarity will be available to you. There is also a great deal of information. Use it to inform you. The pisces energy is informing you that it is possible that there are multiple solutions, also tend to the practical virgo matters regardless of the frustration of Mars.
There are three planets in pisces, mercury, Neptune and pisces - this will be where you want to go inwards and you want to just take a rest while Virgo just tells you what it is that you need to do. Let yourself rest so that you can receive over this period.
I get the feeling that a problem that you thought was impossible may be moving into a solution stage – the solution will come to you during the 3 days before or after the fm that is 3rd march to the 10th.
Venus in Aries is also highlighting a new beginning here at 18 degrees there’s a sense of completion and this links to love, if something in your love life has been elusive this period during the fm could illuminate a new option, choice or change. 18 degrees love beauty and creativity – it wants to have a new beginning in the aspect of love 9 in numerology spirituality and completion in tarot it is the hermit – spiritual energy and belonging
This full moon and its energy will affect you if you have moon, sun, ascendant in either virgo or pisces. It will also affect people born with personal planets at approximately 13 to 21 degrees of mutable signs.
Our release questions for the month
Are you ready to step out of an old behaviour or pattern that has been holding you back?
If there is resistance to this, what do you need to do to make it happen?
How can you release behaviours, feelings and thoughts that have become automatic?
Action step: What one thing can you do differently today?